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SISpro Shopmanager24
A shop system is a database-based website that makes it easy for you to sell your products over the Internet. With just a few simple steps it is possible to update your shop, delete old articles and create new articles. But the really outstanding thing about a shop system is the huge marketplace where you can reach your potential customers - the Internet.

Quick overview

  • Increase the potential customer appearance.
  • Simple way of product presentation
  • Integrated payment options

By focusing on a pure web interface, the operation of the SHOPMANAGER24 via the Internet from any computer with Internet access is easily possible. As a result, content can be entered without expensive detours and delays by any authorized author. The content is automatically made available on your internet presence.

Our SHOPMANAGER24 includes not only the pure shop functionality but also the special requirements of e.g. Wineries. In addition to the Preisauszeichnungsverordnung many other legal aspects are directly covered.

In addition to the simple and intuitive operation of the online store, above all, the quick and easy way of payment is a basic factor for success. We offer our shop customers the integration of Paypal without extra charge.

The principle of Paypal is explained quickly: It is a virtual account that is linked to your checking account. Payments are not processed directly through your own account, but through Paypal, which deducts the amount paid from your account.

The already existing interface to completes the functionality of the shop.

Of course, our SHOPMANAGER24 responsive is developed and also easy to use by all mobile devices.